What is Disability Rights & Resources?
- Disability Rights and Resources’ mission is to empower people with disabilities to fully participate in the community. We encourage people with disabilities to support one another in reaching their own independent living goals. We also promote equal access and disability rights through advocacy and public awareness activities.
- Disability Rights and Resources’ offices are headquartered in Birmingham to provide services to residents of 20 central Alabama Counties. Information and referral service is available to all callers, regardless of residence.
- We are a United Way Agency, and we receive funding from the Administration on Community Living, City of Birmingham, the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation, the Alabama Department of Senior Services, the Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities, fees and donations.
- Disability Rights and Resources is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.
- Disability Rights & Resources is a Center for Independent Living. It is NOT a residential facility nor a HUD voucher provider. We do not offer housing opportunities or vouchers for housing. We are happy to provide accessible housing resources, help individuals transitioning into an independent living situation, and offer independent living skills training through our information & referral and peer support services.
- Independent living is based upon peer relationships and principles of integration, consumer control, cross-disability and equal access. All Disability Rights and Resources’ services are community-based and non-residential in nature.
- We believe advocacy is at the core of independent living, so we work to promote equal access within the Center and in the community.
- A majority of staff and board members are people with disabilities. Consumers, not professionals, set their own independent living goals. Consumers are offered the option of developing an independent living plan, but they may elect to waive such a plan and just receive services.
- A majority of our board and staff and staff members are people with disabilities.