ADA Information Line
(800) 514-0301 (voice)
(800) 514-0383 (TTY)
Governor’s Office on Disability -The State of Alabama Governor’s Office on Disability’s (GOOD) mission is to facilitate the inclusion of Alabamians with disabilities in education, employment, housing, transportation, health care, and leisure. GOOD is available to do training, accessibility surveying, and speaking at your meetings or seminars at no cost. Call GOOD Toll Free at 888-879-3582.
State of Alabama Client Assistance Program (SACAP)-The State of Alabama Client Assistance Program (SACAP) is a federally-funded program designed to assist individuals with disabilities in resolving problems they may experience with any of Alabama’s federally-funded rehabilitation programs.SACAP serves as a liaison to assist all eligible Alabama residents with disabilities in receiving services as provided under the federal Rehabilitation Act and the employment section of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Visitability– Making ALL new homes visitable, not just “special homes”. Being at the party, the meeting, the family reunion…not isolated. Three essentials that must become the default in home construction practice: 1. One zero step entrance, at the front, back, or side of the house; 2. All main floor doors, including bathrooms, with at least 32 inches of clear passage space; and 3. At least half a bath, preferably a full bath, on the main floor.