Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver Services are available to eligible Medicaid recipients who are at risk of needing care in a nursing home, hospital or other institutional setting. Clients must meet financial, medical, and program requirements and must be willing to receive services in their homes or community.
Gateway to Community Living will provide services to individuals with disabilities or long term illnesses who currently live in a nursing facility and who desire to transition to the home and community setting. The waiver is operated by the Alabama Medicaid Agency. For more information call Ginger Wettingfeld, 1-800-362-1504 or e-mail ginger.wettingfeld@medicaid.alabama.gov
Nursing Home Transition Tip Sheet. Moving out of a nursing home and back into the community can be difficult. The purpose of this Tip Sheet is to share with you suggestions for steps you can take to make your move go as smoothly as possible. These recommendations come directly from people who have already transitioned so you can learn from their experiences.
This Tip Sheet is designed to be used along with a checklist that takes you step by step through what you can do before, during and after your move in order to make your transition a success. The checklist is included with permission of the Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) and IL-NET.
HUD Multi-family Subsidized Housing Rental Search Engine helps you locate subsidized housing in your area.
How To Guide for State and Local Advocates: This How To Guide is intended to equip state and local advocates with information and tools to advocate for improvements to nursing home transitions. The recommendations found in the Quality Care, No Matter Where: Successful Nursing Home Transitions Report are elaborated on and examples are provided within this guide.
Quality Care, No Matter Where: Successful Nursing Home Transitions Report: This report examines nursing home transitions nationwide and how they can be improved from the perspective of both the individuals who had moved back into the community and the programs that assist them. The findings from interviews and surveys with these individuals are presented, along with policy recommendations for making the transition process go more smoothly for consumers from beginning to end.
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are part of a national initiative put in place by the Administration for Community Living to provide access to information and assistance for older adults, individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. The ADRC acts as a no wrong door for those needing assistance by providing benefits screening, education and options counseling on long term care services and supports. It is also an entry point for professionals, caregivers, and family members to seek resources and assistance on behalf of their clients, friends or family members. All callers are screened for assistance utilizing a universal screening tool that prevents the caller from having to give the information numerous times. Referrals are made on behalf of the individual needing assistance and follow-up is provided for quality assurance. The ADRC will offer extended assistance to those who choose an advocate to assist with application for services and benefits. ADSS strives to support individuals with the tools they need to make informed decisions and maintain their independence in the community of their choice.
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
Disability Rights & Resources is a Center for Independent Living. It is NOT a residential facility nor a HUD voucher provider. We do not offer housing opportunities or vouchers for housing. We are happy to provide accessible housing resources, help individuals transitioning into an independent living situation, and offer independent living skills training through our information & referral and peer support services.